Keynote Speakers
Andrew Filo |Andrew Filo is an Inventor and Design Consultant for 4Special Projects (Cupertino, California) and specializes in systems architecture and 3D design. Holds patents in entertainment, healthcare, and aerospace technologies.
Served as NASA consultant and Primary Investigator for the Femto Satellite project aboard the International Space Station and is currently working on the Star Sail Alpha project for interstellar exploration with earthbound application.
Addison Sears-Collins | Head of Robotics Software Engineering at X-tend Robotics and Founder of, the largest robotics education blog. Addison leads the Robotics Software Engineering Department at X-tend
Robotics, a Tel Aviv-based startup that is developing mobile service robots for the healthcare industry, including hospitals, medical facilities, nursing homes, elderly care centers, and in-home deployment. Services include companion services, 24-hour
attendant, tele-medicine, and in-home monitoring. Addison has founded several successful technology startups and has worked at 21212 LLC, SEACOM, Siemens, Goldman Sachs, Swiss Re, several major universities, and the U.S. House of Representatives.
Franklin Bruscianelli | Franklin Bruscianelli is the Director of Sales Operations and Customer Service at IPwe. He has been in the industry and with IPwe for 4 years. Primarily working with patent owners to uncover the value
of their IP and helping them develop unique solutions to generate return on their investment. Franklin is passionate about innovative technology and those innovators who are pushing the limits of creativity in their specific fields. With a background
in Economics, Franklin sees a correlation between a growing economy and one that is continually innovating.
Autonomous Transportation Transformation Panel
Addressing the sea change in mobility from maritime vessels to trucking and what that means for infrastructure, agriculture, and beyond.
Dan Mapes | Co-founder of, Spatial Intelligence Systems, and Founder/CEO of Cyberlab 9. Mapes co-authored the best-selling The Spatial Web: How Web 3.0 Will Connect Humans, Machines, and AI to Transform the World.
Mapes has also been a technology advisor to the governments of China, Brazil, Chile, Philippines, Saudi Arabia and Australia, and a New Media consultant to Apple, Intel, Shanghai Media, and more.
Kyle Hardy | Co-founder and Executive Director, Troika Solutions’ Lucid Jigsaw AI Division. Kyle is a defense technologist who served 20 years in the US Defense and Intelligence Enterprises, including 10 years leading
major defense AI projects. In prior roles, he oversaw defense AI/ML projects at the Department of Homeland Security, the US Army Asymmetric Warfare Group, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
Murat Ocalan | Director of Engineering, SparkAI - Solving critical edge cases in real-time. Murat is an engineer and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in commercializing technology in safety-critical applications.
He has led the development of IoT systems providing predictive monitoring of industrial assets in applications including solar power generation and storage, pressure pumping, and wireless sensor networks. He is a named inventor in 20 US patents and
holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Unmoored Risks in Unmanned Space Panel
Navigating cybersecurity, drone warfare, and other insurance risks.
Debra Fanjoy | Senior Partner, Piiq Risk Partners. Debra is responsible for thought leadership on the aerospace risk & insurance front and supporting the development of a robust complex risk offering. She has focused on
aerospace manufacturing and service risks, as well as corporate aviation, commercial fixed wing and helicopter fleets, banks & leasing, unmanned aerial systems, and emerging aerospace technologies. Debra has served in a range of aviation insurance
underwriter and broker roles throughout her career. She specializes in applied analytics and development of tailored, innovative customer solutions. Debra holds Commercial Pilot and Certified Flight Instructor certificates and CPCU, ARM, and CAIP
Chris Anderson | Co-Founder and Senior Director of Operations, Troika – Advanced Warfare Solutions Group. Having spent 25 years in military operations, counterterrorism and rapid solution development for the Department
of Defense, NATO, and multiple partner nations, Chris is a well-respected expert in unmanned systems employment and counter-small unmanned aircraft systems (C-sUAS) strategy. He is an industry leader in Vulnerability Analytics and Risk assessment
against asymmetric threats. Chris led the first of its kind combat evaluation of a tactical loitering munition in Afghanistan and stood up the C-sUAS program at the U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) in 2009.
Jilbert Hovagimyan | Group Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Tenet Financial (Newport Beach, California). By 1999, Mr. Hovagimyan was managing over $1.1 billion USD as a global investment banker. He has served as a
liaison with the International Monetary Fund on a $6.3 billion USD loan and advised the Kuwaiti Royal Family, the South Korean government, and the Minister of Finance of Tawain on financing and sales.