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RSHC Texas Patent Victory Affirmed by Federal Circuit

On Wednesday, April 12, the Federal Circuit affirmed a victory for our client Allscripts Healthcare Solutions in a patent infringement case brought in the Eastern District of Texas. Allscripts, a leader in the medical records software and solutions industry, was accused of infringing U.S. Patent No. 7,640,271 which claimed a “portal”-type system for patient access to electronic medical records. The case was brought by a non-practicing entity, Preservation Wellness.

In the District Court, RSHC lawyers Nick Kahlon and Taylor Corbitt argued on behalf of Allscripts and the entire joint defense group that the ‘271 Patent claims were not eligible for patent protection, but instead were non-patentable abstract ideas under 35 USC Section 101 and the Supreme Court’s Alice decision. The District Court, in Marshall, Texas, with Judge Bryson sitting by designation, granted the motions to dismiss on May 10, 2016, and the plaintiff appealed to the Federal Circuit. This week, the Federal Circuit summarily affirmed our victory. Congratulations to RSHC client Allscripts and the RSHC team!

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