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RSHC Recognized as a Top Law Firm for Client Service During the Pandemic

RSHC is honored to be named by BTI Consulting Group as one of the top law firms that provided outstanding client service during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The BTI list recognized law firms that distinguished themselves by eliminating red tape and quickly moving to answer client questions with detailed, pointed advice. The analysis, which was conducted over the last 10 months, is based on 350 interviews with general counsel and other in-house legal officials at businesses with at least $1 billion in annual revenue.  Legal officials were asked to rate law firms they work with on a range of client service activities, including understanding the client's business, uniformity of service, dealing with unexpected changes, unprompted communication and anticipating clients' needs.

BTI President Michael Rynowecer spoke to Law360 about the consulting company’s survey of general counsel in major corporations and explained what set law firms like RSHC apart from their competitors. 

"There were clients who told us about attorneys who would call them and have very helpful, pointed, specific advice on how to manage work from home, how to communicate, what kinds of things they should be tracking, how to make sure they're doing things in a way that isn't discriminatory," Rynowecer said, adding that a distinguishing trait among firms was the ability to offer "highly specific" advice.

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