Our different perspectives allow us to serve our clients more broadly and wisely.


RSHC attorneys have represented educational institutions in a variety of investigation and litigation matters, involving various federal anti-discrimination statutes like Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act, and other federal and state anti-discrimination statutes before the U.S. Department of Education and its Office of Civil Rights, as well as the U.S. Department of Justice. RSHC attorneys have also counseled schools regarding their compliance with the Clery Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). We have served as legal counsel, independent investigators, directors/trustees, professors, and advisors for private colleges and universities, multi-campus public institutions, for-profit schools, and secondary institutions. This uncommon breadth of experience helps us provide a richer source of representation, wisdom, and advocacy for our education-based clients.

Our multi-disciplinary team is comprised of trial attorneys and government enforcement lawyers, intellectual property and employment law advocates, real estate and transactional counsel, and attorneys with substantive experience in privacy and cybersecurity. We have also served as internal and external investigators of discrete misconduct complaints filed by individuals and high-profile allegations of systemic issues. Our attorneys have served on the boards of trustees of several institutions, as adjunct faculty members, and independent monitors, giving us a unique perspective on the needs of our higher education clients.

We understand that colleges and universities are driven by unique missions and traditions, that they are committed to their students, faculty, and staff, and that they are managed and governed by a unique set of internal and external rules and regulations. Their relationships with their employees and their students raise a distinct set of issues when disagreements arise. And their disciplinary process when dealing with misconduct is distinct from the criminal process.

We are well positioned to guide our clients through any government inquiry, public scrutiny, or high-profile litigation, and to defend their intellectual property. We understand their unique internal processes and procedures, and craft legal solutions that take into consideration any legal, financial, or reputational consequences.